This very website is a solo project I worked on at the end of my college years that was further worked on years later. It is almost entirely written in html while the rest managing stylization is done in CSS. Due to the huge gap in developement, a few of the pages may contain outdated or vastly different formatting.
Contained within this website is my entire portfolio along with a demostration of my html prowess. Despite being impossible to embed the entirety of each individual project I've made, many of the pages aim to highlight the important aspects that I contributed to or made on my own. The remaining pages list out qualifications and summarize my experience over the years.
The programs used to create this site are Brackets, the text editor for writing and managing the project itself; Github, for uploading, version control, and hosting the site; and finally Google Chrome's Inspect Element to debug both the site as well as other sites for inspiration.
As stated before, this website has different periods of development; however, it also has been located in different addresses as well. Before being hosted through Github pages as it is today, its address fluctated between different providers that utilized prebuilt website formatting along with an interface to directly manage elements. These benefits were eventually deemed not worth the hassle since the providers also contained terrible load times or limited controll over specific elements without the use of 3rd party resources and additional work. After documenting down the layout, everything on those old sites were purged, and I decided to build my own site through github.
Unfortunately, building a site through github meant that I had to build everything from scratch through code, primarily through html and css. I knew neither of these at the time, so I had to learn them both on my own. The first attempt at this while successful came with a slight disconnect with the languages. It had nothing to do with the actual contents and creation of elements through them, otherwise the old pages on my website wouldn't exist. The disconnect came from a factor that the majority of my coding journey hardly had to worry about, being vastly different screen sizes and languages with non-iterative natures. The results were pages that were not consistent when rescaled to accomodate different devices, and I could not understand how to resolve this entirely. It eventually reached a point where horizontal scaling worked as intended and compromises to the layout were done to leessen the negative effects of incorrect vertical scaling.
Years later after properly learning what the fundamental mistake was, many of the pages were redone to fix the prior issues. Many of the style details have been concentrated onto a single style sheet to allow for the correction or altering on any elements in the future.
This website for the mostpart will be periodly worked on whenever a notable addition to my portfolio is needed. As for big changes, there are no intentions to remake the website for a fourth time.